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The Galactic Report ~ the only “out of this world” personal birth report
The Galactic Report provides a computer generated, written analysis of the natal position of the first of the six named Centaurs, aspects to your planets, nodes and angles. As well, conjunctions to 74 black holes by geocentric and heliocentric placement receive incisive delineation. You'll receive insights into psychological and spiritual details of your being you never knew could be extracted from a horoscope! Please include your birth data in Paypal form.
Please include the names and birth data in the Paypal Comments.
This report was deemed, “downright spine tingling,” by one satisfied recipient.
And from another... “Never have I read anything more definitive on them (centaurs and black holes) in regards to my own chart. I've had some jaw dropping moments as I read this report.”
And another... "Astounding!! Most accurate report ever... it addresses factors not considered by other means."
The Galactic Report $15.99
The Galactic Trilogy
The latest and greatest Galactic Astrology information on the planet available through easy electronic download! More than 700 pages of astrological and interpretive text, more than 2,000 pages of ephemeris data and more!!
The Soul of the Sky - An interpretive text that delineates centaurs, Trans-Neptunian Objects, and galactic points such as the Galactic Center, Great Attractor, Solar Apex, SS 433 (a most unusual black hole system, black holes, pulsars, quasars and more.
Astronomy for Astrologers - A text book introducing astrologers to the fascinating realm of astronomy that underscores a comprehensive understanding of astrology.
The Sun at the Center - A Primer of Heliocentric Astrology - This work is a comprehensive look at heliocentric astrology from history, through interpretation and chart examples. A classic. Newly updated, also available for separate purchase.
The Galactic Ephemeris - More than 8,700 objects in deep space, sorted by tropical geocentric longitude. Also included are latitude, sidereal longitude, right ascension, declination and notes.
The Constellational Stars Ephemeris - 2,550 of the main stars in the major constellations, sorted by tropical geocentric longitude. Also included are latitude, sidereal longitude, right ascension, declination and notes.
Anomalistic Pulsars - Listing of odd pulsars sorted by tropical geocentric longitude. Also included are latitude, sidereal longitude, right ascension, declination and notes.
Black Holes - A listing of noted black holes sorted by tropical geocentric longitude. Also included are latitude, sidereal longitude, right ascension, declination and notes.
Black Hole Paradoxes - A summary listing of the paradoxical message contained in each of the listed black holes.
Galactic Anomalies - An assortment of important galactic points, such as the Galactic Center, Great Attractor and more, sorted by tropical geocentric longitude. Also included are latitude, sidereal longitude, right ascension, declination and notes.
An Ephemeris of the Named and Numbered Centaurs from 1700 - 2099, Monthly, 0 Hour GMT.
An Ephemeris of the Named Kuiper Belt Objects from 1700 - 2099, Monthly, 0 Hour GMT.
An Ephemeris of Sedna and Eris, Daily, 0 Hour GMT for 1900 - 2050.
An Ephemeris of the Dwarf Planets 136108 (2003 EL61) and 136472 (2005 FY9), Daily, 0 Hour GMT for 1900 - 2050.
An Ephemeris of the Dwarf Planets, Monthly, 0 Hour GMT, 1900 - 2050
An Ephemeris of the Outer Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea and Sedna), Monthly, 0 Hour GMT, 1700 - 2050
Centaur and Kuiper Belt Object Keywords.
Orbital Data for the Named & Numbered Centaurs and Named Kuiper Belt Objects.
Orbital Data for Dwarf Planets and Dwarf Planet Candidates.
Synodic Periods of the Planets - A table of the synodic periods of the major players in the solar system.
Heliocentric Nodes and Perihelia of the Planets.And More!!
In addition, a font set includes the latest symbols for the Centaurs. Note: Fonts are ttf and do not work on all Apple platforms.
Please note: Files will be sent via three sets from Hightail.com. These will be general files, treatises and some emphemerides. Centaurs and TNOs will be sent in their grouping as to keep the classifications separate.
You are authorized two downloads per file from Hightail. These may be used on your personal computer and laptop, or tablet or phone - any combination. The files may not be stored on Google Drive, DropBox or iCloud.
Say users of the Galactic Trilogy:
"Chock full of information I've never seen before. Using it made all the difference in the world with my clients!"
"Absolutely brilliant! Truly inspired." ~ CM.