During the full moon the other night, after checking out the parade of planets overhead, and taking the pulse of reactions to goings on, I decided to move next week’s post forward. Seems that more planetary insight might serve the purposes of this time. And soon after making that decision, the Minor Planet Center posted a newly named Kuiper Belt Object, Taowu, the second KBO with a name from Chinese mythology. This will be the subject of next week’s normally scheduled post.
A quick note, please read the comments below following today’s post.
We’ve enjoyed Jupiter direct for a short time now (since 4 February) - barely enough to get used to it. Still, Jupiter’s resumption of prograde motion ought to spark some optimism - maybe even apply his flint to the kindling material of hope. Recently, the Sun entered Pisces, which innately tends to inspire one to wish upon a star. The Sun adds fuel to the ongoing Piscean presence of Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the north lunar node. And that’s not all. Also transiting Pisces are the dwarf planet Gonggong, the centaur Nessus and on 23 February, the potent dwarf planet Ceres crosses the territorial line into Pisces. This is a heap of energy stirring the pot of solar system objects, wondering when planet soup will be done.
If not cooked yet with the largest object in the solar system in Pisces, then how about serving the planet soup on 23 February coinciding with the Ceres ingress into Pisces? On that day, Mars mercifully returns to direct motion after retrograding since early December. The uncommon nature of Mars retrograde tends to inflict more impulsive knee jerk reactions than can be commonly attributed to the aggressive, warrior planet. Here’s the bottom line current: Have the actions taken and inspired by Mars reactions worked out?
Did the protocols assigned meet the task at hand and work to produce the results expected?
Do these actions and efforts yield good?
Were the actions taken in compliance with any relevant protocols?
How about blow back or extreme push back? Did assertions get met with any of that? If so, why?
Did those conducting abrupt actions stay in their lane while doing so?
Were the ideas tossed off the cuff or deliberately thought through?
If the answer to any one of the questions above indicate the Mars retrograde era was used to usurp, overreach, get out over ones skis or any possible permutation of a less than favorable reaction ripple in the world, there is reason to believe that a reversal - fate if you will - may be encountered at the next fork in the road.
If you feel unjustly impacted by your own actions, the actions of others or what’s happening in the big bad world, refresh the influence of Pisces over all your sensibilities. When Mars turns direct in Cancer, he’s coming off a recent trine from Saturn. While one may feel bulldozed by a plethora of chaotic conditions, the emotional onslaught can be overridden. First, work to purge any feelings of bad blood conjured by the chaos to offset any potential negative reactions. This is supported by the trine of Nessus in Pisces to Mars’ station. A reaction of anger, bewilderment and outrage does not serve to avert crises at hand. Consider that coming into a trine to Mars at the time of his station is Mercury. And that means...
Think clearly and infused with aspiration toward the good. Avoid contributing to the simmering stew of anger. Come up with clear, cogent thoughts that actually advance agendas forward by presenting undeniable, positive solutions that most can agree hold merit. With consensus and cosmic support, take incisive action that intends to support the downtrodden, victimized and diminished. Such action receives the blessings of Eris, though it make until early June for resolution to occur. June break is when Mars trines both Eris and Chiron in Aries, the sign Mars rules and Eris favors.
Of course it will take time. A big load of junk got dumped in the yard, or more to the season of those in snow zones, you’ve got a heap of shoveling to do to clear your driveway from the blizzard. It gets done, shovel scoop by shovel scoop with the vision of a clear driveway and access to the world and all its goings on being created by your actions to clear.
Pisces does rule magical thinking, idealized aspirations, victimization and the sense of immobility caused by external circumstances. During the ongoing Piscean hodgepodge of confusion and chaotic concern, can you hold the vision of an idealized outcome? Can you advocate for any previously unspoken, unacknowledged objective you believe in your soul is the right thing to pursue? Stick to the high side. Realize your immediate position in the world. Before you get up to your ass in alligators, redefine your objective(s). When alligators make their presence known, do not react as if you are cranking a jack-in-the-box playing “Pop Goes the Weasel.” Sense danger and potential obstacles and factor those within action you now take and actions you intend to take with the greatest of Piscean Promise. And keep Mars handy in your hip pocket in case he’s needed.
More soon.
The full moon also inspired recollections. I realized that I did my first astrological reading in 1975. That got me to percolating on many things such as... likely I won’t be doing readings for five decades more, so if you want a consultation, get a jump start on Aries and pull the trigger sooner than later. If you want to customize a consultation package perfect for your needs and budget, send me an e-mail! info@philipsedgwick.com
Also, the whole Kuiper Belt and Galactic work I do... it’s got to continue. That said, I have decided to take on a limited number of folks for mentoring who would like to know the ins and outs of our outer solar system and what I know about galactic things that lie beyond, how I came to know this things, and what I see as the path forward applying these astrological configurations. I will work with individuals one-on-one, and I am open to working with small groups of interested people via Zoom. So, if you’re interested, reach out by e-mail and let’s create a program that works for both of us. info@philipsedgwick.com
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