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Celestial Edges ~ 25 Jul 2024

This is the last call for ordering the discounted supercluster 30-minute consult. Because of the popularity the deadline for ordering these sessions has been extend until 02 August 2024. With the 30-minute format, there is time to get you booked in the first half of August if you act now. Superclusters relate to an individual’s drawing power in life, personal branding and also those irresistible messages that compel changes in consciousness to enhance all aspects of life. Sessions conducted so far have been invigorating, stirring and much like a splash of water on a sleepy face. Schedule yours now!

Speaking of a splash of water on the face to wake up, that’s what happened over last weekend and into the early week as Mars in Gemini conjoined Sedna, and as the Sun in the first degree of Leo opposed Pluto in Aquarius. Mars and Sedna convened regarding decisions that had to be made, percolated on the matter, then strategically dropped their announcement about conscious choices, and assumed the responsibility for those decisions. Pluto to the Sun declared that things must be set such that power is more perfectly distributed for the good of all, ignoring ego in the face of cosmic consequences. This as Pluto’s imminent and brief return to Capricorn (2 September -19 November) prepares a short burst of practical review to smooth out the economic terrain, assess what proper yields have occurred, adjust all power assignments for the better, and redefine whose in charge of what in a comprehensive and conscious matter.

While all of this clearly manifested in news cycles, the patterns apply personally as well.

Could you feel the pulsations? The conjunction of Mars to Sedna offered a sense of imminence in the air. Change occurs as soon as one decides. The feeling prevailed that things are about to get even more interesting, especially for those willing to invoke the curiosity of Gemini to ask: How did this come about? Where was it in the soul plan of the deciders and individuals and if so, what new plan is now in play?

Off this, Pluto and the Sun bridged the range of the solar system - that is, the solar system prior to the discovery of other dwarf planets back in 2003 (images obtained) or 2005 (announcement of astronomical awareness). This bridging sought to ensure a full and complete life review that permits trajectory fixes to be applied that provide a clearer and more power-efficient path to all thoughtfully intended destinations.

And yes, all this while titillated by more solar blasts hitting Earth leaving behind hyper mental activity and over amped physical urges.

In the next days (2 August), solar system neighbors Mars in Gemini quincuxes Ceres in Capricorn. We’re feeling this now and we’ll feel right up through the time that Mars and Jupiter align in Gemini on 14 August. Notably, these conjunctions form not long before the 26 August station of Ceres, as she returns to prograde motion from our view. For those attending to her, it does feel as if she’s plodded through Capricorn for a very long time.

Concerns, causes and campaigns that one must first recognize, then articulate, then advocates to ensure triumphant success are all the Martian rage. It is important to keep in mind the presetting consciousness contained within the making of clear, thoughtful choices and ensuring those choices of yours do good for not only yourself but the planet too.

Debates cannot turn into debacles. Both Mars and Ceres have angry edges on their demeanor. The impetuousness of Mars agitates the willingness of Ceres to go beyond the beyond and risk her own mortality in the interest of getting her way. Perhaps the consideration that “those who sling mud, lose ground” applies. Is what you’re seeking actually going to create fulfillment?

What can be done with the Mars-Ceres-Jupiter combo plate?

First, notice and file for immediate processing all annoyances in life.

Consider if reactions to such sparks are in context. Is there any embellishment or drama?

While processing your reaction to conditions that induce discord, turn off all unnecessary input.

Seek out only confirmation of all circumstance to ensure what you may engage to be clear.

Filter out any and all distracting voices and opinions.

Sit down and process by asking:

Do you need what you pursue?

Do you truly want what you seek?

Are there any considerations of shooting your foot or cutting off the nose in spite of the face implied by your actions?

Do your intended actions fit with your beliefs as to what means a person can safely pursue?

Can you achieve your objectives within the balance of the year or early into 2025.

Are you inspired, energized and committed to only great outcomes?

If green lights prevail ahead or if diffusing clouds suddenly disappear, engage your activism agenda with clarity, freely sharing the intention behind your action when asked, and taking on all life offers with the fullest energy and maximum of determination.

More soon.

The links below will get you to the links for ordering up consultations, a Galactic Report, asking personal questions and more. Click freely. Can you think of a better time for synching up life agendas with astrological transits?


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