This year at the get-go, more than most, feels extra Uranian. It seams more difficult to establish a real sense of how things are likely to track over the next weeks and months. What lies ahead seems much more imperceptible than usual. Is it? Transits are still transits and they apply both collectively and to personal charts. Thus, I have decided to do a flash sale. This is the “Let’s Get Life Cooking” Flash Sale. Between now and 20 January all consultations are discounted. Here’s the burner button!
The year began with Saturn in Pisces square the Great Attractor. Soon after Jupiter resumes prograde motion in early February, he opposes the Great Attractor on 19 March. Given the massiveness gravitationally and breadth in space of the Great Attractor, Jupiter is pretty much in orb now, though Saturn currently is a tad more adamant about manifesting his way with this galactic entity.
Ultimately though, the Great Attractor’s influence arranges around all of us with added intensity from now through the end of March.
Key to the Great Attractor’s significance, the following themes play out in huge ways:
Inclusion of all persons, entities and things without exception.
Full transparency is required. Sleight of hand is not permitted.
Application all knowledge in the moment is essential, even if only realized in the moment.
All persons, places, things and concepts require attention - attention that determines the relevance and significance of those individuals, institutions and ideas. If relevant, they are included. If irrelevant, it is realized they are not relevant now, and as such, are not disqualified from future consideration. Nothing nor no one appearing can be shunned, rejected or discarded. After all, the Great Attractor emanates in all known frequencies and perhaps even in some spectrums yet unrealized.
Realization acknowledges the potential for existence of all things yet unknown. Discovery thrives on the self referential assumption that things do not exist until the self recognizes them and hereafter, they are subsequently subject to ones forgetful tendencies. The concept of discovery fails to uphold the aspirations of the Great Attractor. Realization is neatly akin.
The Great Attractor is immense and as such seemingly unlimited in its gravitational grasping power. It bends light around itself such that those things behind the Great Attractor and blocked from view can be fully seen on the gravity wave ride. There is no hiding anything behind ones back. There can only be disclosure of all factors one engages, accompanied by a statement of intention. This is without a doubt a time for “the truth be told.”
Regarding knowledge: Sometimes a realization or awareness so startles the psyche, one does not recognize the wisdom contained within the insights has been infused in every fiber of ones being. Awareness of the wisdom typically does not occur until a situation or person poses a question to which the wisdom directly applies. Should one not edit the sparks transmitting from the soul, the wisdom gets blurted as a truism applicable in the time. It will be amazingly insightful and fully applicable. The blurting individual may not yet know what they know. It’s almost as if insight stores in the cosmic “cloud” without the need to influence ones contained internal hard drives, thus standing clear of ongoing mental processes and preventing mnemonic muddling.
Combined, it does seem those operating outside the spectrum of the Great Attractor know they are conducting life through innuendo and deception. Maybe soulful insight seems distracting and diverting to those deviating from known frequencies. Perhaps those aligned with the Great Attractor, you know, those on that cosmic spectrum, will be the ones to call them out.
When such calling out occurs is a nebulous factor. The intense gravitational influence of the Great Attractor not only distends space, it distorts time. Is the intelligence of the Great Attractor such that it operates on a cosmic clock that exceeds the bounds and expectations of those living on a world dominated by Saturn stuff and Saturnian transits? Very likely so.
Saturn now makes nearly an exact quadrature to the Great Attractor. The call of the time is to first recognize those things demanding inclusion and attention. As Saturn move on, Jupiter moves closer into opposition the Great Attractor. It is only at this time that how those things clamoring center stage can be written into the script becomes evident. Currently, reality precedes knowhow. Recognition of need inspires innovation.
That’s the way it is this year in the early going. First realizing what one believes would be an improvement directly leads to a protocol for such inclusion. Belief and know how follows rationale and reason during the Saturn before Jupiter transits. Regardless, the combined effect of these two gaseous giants forming critical angles to the Great Attractor first impeccably declares need, and shortly thereafter determines an agenda and means for fulfilling those needs, whether personal or collective. Yes, it may take a tad more time to get things rolling. By the time Saturn and Jupiter advance into cardinal signs (Saturn to Aries; Jupiter to Cancer), things should be underway.
More soon.
Here’s the link to the Flash Sale. You know what to do! And the links that follow will get you to the places where other products and services can be engaged.
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