Healing Humankind ~ September 14, 2001

First, I want to express my great thanks to all those in the international community, who so quickly surfaced online with condolences and prayer this week. Your support, thoughts and prayers are gratefully welcomed. Thank you all for your vigilance in keeping those flames of hope and faith kindled. And thank you for realizing that these events were not an attack on the United States - they were an attack on humankind.

Still fighting the remnants of my own incredulity, I struggle to find redeeming remarks for this time in human history. Many people have asked me to make some commentary on the events of this past week. I feel that offering a dissecting interpretation only serves to pacify our intellectual natures seeking to find reason in all of this tragedy. There is no reason. At this point, though there are many things that can be noted astrologically, those observations offer nothing. Having done extensive research since 1978 on aviation disasters, I looked at the flight charts of the ill-fated jetliners. Is there a way to distinguish those doomed airplanes from the others departing from the same locations at approximately the same time and landing safely at destinations? Not that I can see.

The past few days have seen many “insights” offered online regarding the planetary patterns and what not. I must admit I am chagrined by much of the negativity and doom prophecies circulating. In such a time, worry, fear and negative fantasy must be dispelled as much and quickly as possible.

How? If I might be so presumptuous, I would like to share a few revelations that came to me during one of the most traumatic phases of my life. While engaged in combat in Vietnam, I quickly realized my little pilot light might have its last flicker at any second. That realization was startling. Fear and panic aside, the next revelation dealt with the sacred value of life. Life is not guaranteed. Nothing is certain. Each day must have total investment of your heart and spirit to be fully worthwhile.

Then, thoughts of people surged through me. Many things remained unsaid. The truth be known, any thought of peace and goodness does not go without saying. Any heartfelt feeling lacks its greatest vibrance if not freely spoken and shared. Proclamations of love hold unlimited strength. No emotion is fully endowed if taken for granted.

My encouragement is to slowly and eventually work toward the restoration of peace by sharing all thoughts and feelings that speak of good, peace, wellness, serenity, Divine Intelligence and Inspiration. Slowly, we can make a difference.

For what it is worth, the Earth is shaking off the last of a solar blast stemming from the collapse of a solar filament on Tuesday the 11th, ironically enough. In this time of mourning, the energies from the Sun stress the need to redeem our energies through whatever catharsis is necessary. Though painful, progress will be made.

Let us also remember that a Hindu god of justice and godliness appeared to us earlier this year as an object beyond the transformation provoking Pluto. The object Varuna promises resurrection beyond the recent fires of hell. We will make it through this.

Last month I was awed by the lack of “God and Country” in our nation, given those driving roots that existed at the beginning of this nation. While walking an aged church cemetery in New Jersey, near the Revolutionary War’s Battle of Monmouth site, I felt a disturbing lack of resolve in human spirit. Our ancestors held such potent sacrificial commitment for their lives, freedoms and faith. I wondered where it had gone. It now seems to be fully restored. Might it be restored only in good measure.

As much as terrorism, fear and hatred remain our enemies, it concerns me to hear the calls for revenge. True, the world must be made safe. But I urge those who do not know the direct fear of war not to appeal for widespread or indiscriminate military rampage. I encourage those who do not know the unbearable weight of knowing what it feels like to be responsible for the ending of another person’s life not to advocate anger driven vengeance. May we seek justice, not revenge.

Personally, I pray for wisdom and insight to prevail upon world leaders. I believe we must shower them with our prayers. Perhaps they can become inspired by the Divine Resources expressed by the celestial inspiration of the time. Perhaps they can come to know the Will of God, whatever that is, and restore the Creator’s Wishes for this planet.

I choose to hold to the many prophetic speculations that Peace on Earth returns after an exceedingly dark time. It would appear that we stand upon that threshold. May we, as people who choose good, love and faith, open the portal of Peace.

With great hope for “Human-Kind,” may God Bless Us All.