Guide for Grumpy Planets ~ 2 July 2008

No doubt you can feel it. If not, read the news. It’ll be there. The energy feels stalled, difficult and leads most to relate to the boulder pushing karma of Sisyphus more than ever before. Progress appears to be difficult to make. Plans remain difficult to construct. Folks cling to ideas that don’t work in hopes that maybe today is the magic day everything changes.

Really, there’s no magical day, such as it is, on the immediate horizon. However, there are two impending patterns that just might offer relief and fan the humid stagnation into a fine breeze.

Over the next few days the Sun crosses the brightest night time star, Sirius. Since the Sun is involved, you won’t be able to view the gala event, however, you can take advantage of it by:


Attending to food. Eat in a timely, healthy manner. Food that has olfactory appeal and great taste goes a long way in soothing ruffled feathers (and evening out blood sugar).

Clear emotional toxins. Notice that the storage locker for hurt feelings, snubs and perceptions of rejection linger in the tummy. Have a nice solitary quiet spell and let those feelings pass on through your abdomen.

Reality check assumptions. If you heard something a certain way that rattled your cage, verify the intent of the person holding the stick. There could be a touch of hypersensitivity and over reaction in the air.

Use cleaning water rituals. Showers, baths, a dip in a pool or hot tub, even a walk in the rain work wonders.

Assess emotional priorities. Set the criterion for decision making to the emotional position. If thinking, “If I could get feeling better, I could decide,” consider that if you decide (based upon emotions) things will likely feel better.

The big culprit in the mix is the upcoming direct alignment between Mars and Saturn in Virgo, still more than a week out. This pattern grinds on nerves and sensibilities, creating logic log jams. You can:


Take your emotional criteria and map out short term plans.

Work in short bursts of creative frenzy for as long as the energy lasts. When the energy wanes, shift gears, rest, recuperate.

Conjure up a doctrine of personal dharma. Let there be a good reason - a very good reason - for everything you do.

Stay focused upon your greatest cause.

Create a system for documenting accomplishments. At the end of every day, note progress and savor it with a celebration of food and perhaps a toast.

Get a little exercise. Just enough to move a few endorphins around.

Or to stimulate endorphins, you can go Martian and devour a few spicy chiles given your constitution can deal with that.

Be competitive only with yourself.

Make important points without arguing.

Offer suggestions in lieu of criticism.

Take nothing personally (good luck with that).

Do what you do the best you can.

Stay on time.

Make no ugly gestures while driving.

Realize most folks are trying the best they can.

Feel better? Well, in that case, call your political representatives and propose your plans for a cooperative global economy, lower oil prices and world peace.

The good news is the Mars-Saturn grumpy push lasts only a short while. By the 11th, the energy eases, quickly improving the general flavor out there. This is an important time, not to be missed. The building blocks of fortunate patterns in September lie cast about the construction site in the form of this Mars and Saturn mortar and sweat.