Mercury Speaks as Jupiter Beckons ~ 30 Oct 2007

What a Mercury retrograde week! Last week Apple Computers launched their new operating software; think that went smoothly? This week as Mercury goes direct, things look grim for the TV/film writers union to reach a new contract with the industry prior to the expiration of the current contract come tomorrow. Baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez’s superstar agent announced the player’s intent not to renew his option with the New York Yankees during the last game of the World Series, arousing the ire of most baseball fans. Also in the U.S., Federal Emergency Management Agency staged a fake press conference and heads rolled. Why don’t people use astrological clues?? Like there are certain things not to do during a Mercury retrograde - like move for instance.

Funny how it goes with all the astrology stuff. A colleague suggested last week that maybe knowing what we do, perhaps we expect more in terms of events and circumstances based upon our awareness of transits. Is it true? I don’t know. I’ve been doing all of this too long to have an objective reality about celestial influences and their importance.

However, I do know that Mercury reverses course in two days and Jupiter rapidly closes in on the Galactic Center. Mercury’s return to prograde motion signals the need to reset priorities and recover from unexpected disruptions and crisis mode of extinguishing the fires of life. Jupiter’s transit to the core of our galaxy opens access to unlimited reach into the idea tickler files of the Creator. Mercury, given he always stands at the ready to issue Jupiter’s will, regroups to take notes, make plans, draw schematics, organize, deliver necessary messages and communicate the great ideas. Truly, any inspiration, concept, idea, insight appears reachable.

Reports I hear from most people indicate that the bizarreness of this year surpasses all others. True, people tend to report they’ve never seen anything quite like the situations they presently encounter, but according to galactic suggestions, the cosmic warp factors exceed anything experienced in a very long time. At the same time, people cope with the mundane circumstances life presents and often the circumstances override the urge to look for greater insights when like is so busy.

A few noteworthy dates stand out in the short term for redirecting personal priorities and keeping a finger on the galactic pulses.

On November 5th, Venus late in Virgo begins a ten-day passage through the wide, powerful supercluster of galaxies, known as the center of the Super-Galaxy. During this time, Venus calls for resetting priorities and taking care of all details that foster care of one’s spirit. Though life may be busy and demands high, Venus seeks for ample time to surround oneself with beauty, a pleasant environment and reeducate the cellular memory to feeling good. Savor meals. Take long baths. Sit in your favorite spot in nature or retreat to your favorite sanctuary, taking a little extra time to just “be.”

The Sun reaches the halfway point between the core of our galaxy and the core of the Super-Galaxy on the 7th. This point renders an amazing, restorative alchemy that can produce nothing short of magical results. The only “secret” to this trend is to use inclusive, positive declarations. State want you want in clear, full proclamations. Avoid stating what you do not want or dwelling upon negative circumstances that have not and may not arrive. Instead, consider what outcome is desired and figure out what energetic intention offers that result.

It might be beneficial to recall that Mars turns to retrograde starting the 15th, an effect which lasts until late January. His message: take heed of what works and what does not. Force no fit. Whip no horse, especially dead ones. You get more bears with honey than vinegar (assuming you want an encounter with a bear). If it’s not working, stop, reflect, regroup and consider a new launch next January of dammed up efforts. True, no one can stop doing things for three months. Apply Mercury’s resorted priorities and review anything that fell through the cracks this year. Reach out to forgotten contacts, refresh contract offers that never received a due response. Finish incomplete projects. And most of all, take the time required to listen thoroughly to the whispers of Jupiter to the Galactic Center.