How About Them Apples? ~ 21 June 2007

Happy Solstice to all of you... may you take a moment or three for a bit of seasonal repose. As the Sun enters the early degrees of Cancer it opposes the fastest spinning pulsar known and several of the accreting, x-ray binary pulsars. Translation: The more you talk about stuff, the more weight it gains in your life. When done processing, clear the energy and speak of it no more. And while you’re at it, try thinking in terms of how much energy (or calories to satisfy the solar urges in Cancer) a task might take instead of basing projections upon time. This might afford a better budget of resources in the moment. Or you could assign time to tasks when you have the energy. Here in Arizona, workers begin at the crack of dawn to avoid the energy devouring heat of afternoon.

Speaking of Arizona and dawn, NASA plans to launch the Dawn probe which will survey Texas sized Ceres (2015) and Arizona sized Vesta (2011). Why astrological types ought to care about this is that if they determine Vesta has hydrostatic equilibrium (roundness), she could be declared a dwarf planet and officially join the ranks of Eris, Pluto, Sedna, Charon and Ceres. This would certainly elevate her interpretive status and would render interesting mythology for society to integrate. We’ll see how we go with that.

Some may note that the exploration of Ceres follows the “ending” of the Mayan Calendar - whatever that might mean. Speculation could fly back and forth until the cows come home as to what the ending of the calendar will bring. But I’m going to re-enforce my Y2K attitude toward it and declare once again that nothing will happen. It’s about the use of the consciousness that pours in between now and then - as boosted and supercharged this year with Jupiter-Pluto to the Galactic Center - and then maybe a new era of tolerance toward others, peace and an enlightened approach to critical Planet Earth issues shall prevail. Here’s why I feel so comfortable with this attitude. First, I believe that those willing to fear monger about doom prophecies are actually controlled by the psychically influential electronic beaming devices used by the Department of Homeland Security in the United States (or it could be the disorientation caused by the wave of Bluetooth transmission devices). I can’t figure any other reason for the unending and persistent end of the world scenarios (which have been there seemingly since the beginning of the world). Second, Isaac Newton calculated the date of the apocalypse as no earlier than 2060.

Yep, Sir Isaac, the “Eris apple that nearly bonked him on the head and figured out gravity” guy, using the Bible, calculated it could be no earlier that 2060. Wrote Newton, “This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often their predictions fail.”

Well, that sounds familiar. Evidently, EOTW claims wend nuts in the 18th Century, too. According to what I’ve read we should still be in the dark after Y2K and the dimming influence of the Photon Belt, which is now more than a decade tardy in exerting its influence. We should have been smashed by Planet X, the Niburu one, several times by now. The Cassini probe was supposed to explode above Earth showering us with nuclear debris and talent TV shows would be all the rage. Forget that last one.

To me it smacks of diverting conscious attention away from the realities of life in times when they appear particularly overwhelming; evidently as it has always been. A film school grad friend of mine is fond of citing the fact that when economic fears loom large (a quality stimulated by Eris) the horror/slasher film genre explodes. Presently film companies hunger for films in this genre because they sell. Whether driven by the economy, the depression induced by a steady stream of violent news or the vague realization that we are killing our home base, Earth, the escape vehicle increases in importance.

Of course, regularly taking the time to retreat and repose, a reminder granted by the arrival of the solstice allows each Earth residing person to rekindle the spark of their pure, inner energy, much like the soon to be dwarf planet Vesta would have it. Get it out, let it go, get your energy back. I gotta go because I want to get outside to regroup before it hits 110 ( about 43.3 for the rest of the world).