Flow or Edge? ~ 12 June 2007

Which is it for you right now? Flow or edge? We have a yummy pattern known as a grand trine, which to astrologers means a flow of energy - course, it can be a bit of a closed loop if it has no application. Regardless, the raw boot up energy of Mars agrees in principle with the theoretical Jupiter and complies with Saturn’s need for planning, persistence and quality. Saturn and Neptune examine the playing field of life from opposite sides, noticing that to level the playing field all amazing dreams must be pursued without trepidation. Also in the mix and not yet included by many, the dwarf planet best symbolizing clear, conscious choices based upon the certainty of what fills one’s sails in life (Sedna) plays out in the scenario, demanding that a body chase rainbows and visions of sugar plums. You must opt in, says this pattern... otherwise the energy truly has no where to go.

Over the past couple of days the new dwarf planet Eris and Mars met up in Aries to see what kind of rile they could muster. In tracking the news I’m not entirely sure how this intends to play out. Since Eris signifies status and success and discord in life, is it coincidence that the stock market recently went bonkers and vacillated crazily? Let’s ask the people viewing the world upside down exploring imagery of Eris while hanging inverted, stuck in a roller coaster that lost power. Let’s ask double Aries (Sun and Moon) race car driver, Danica Patrick. Recently, and as Mars crossed her natal Eris, she was bumped by a competitor during a race. The high velocity bump spun out her car and cost her position in the race. After the contest, she, as Aries can do, charged her competitor with a confrontational bump of her own. While racing authorities considered disciplinary action, none was taken.

People seem to get in the way - some intentionally, others suffering from extreme cases of out of body-ness. It’s a bit like the early stages of a well-written screenplay. Our hero - ourselves in this case - starts off on a clear course of action, motivated, energized and ready to go get it. Then, out of the blue, a change of plans appears, setting a new course of action into motion. While the pattern of the time allows for such nudges to be subtle in many to most cases, pay attention. Discord is at work behind the scenes. Corrective courses of action permit clear passage without the need for chaos and turbulence.

Presently, Jupiter retrogrades over the amazing enigma, the Great Attractor (14 Sag 02, 2000.0). This thing possesses so much gravitational influence that it bends light such that you can see what’s behind it. How fortuitous is this for those driving the winding roads of life? You can virtually see around the next bend in this instant. This passage can prevent being derailed by allowing for a nearly centripetal drift into the next lane if and only if all sensors indicate such movement is safe. What a time for going with instincts whether regarding a stock option, a lane change on a highway, catching a not yet hit baseball, bringing up an innovative idea during a meeting or doing dharma just a bit differently.

The changes in course/action/flow in the moment might upset the original plan somewhat. Work to go with it. In the adjustment comes an awareness and nearly immediate realization that this course might be improved over the previously set direction. Between now and when the solstice kicks in, the Sun takes on the diminutive but densely packed and gravitationally rich dwarf planet Pluto and the very center of our galaxy. Insight and inspiration flows more freely to those willing to adjust and accommodate the natural flow of energy in the pattern out there. And insights will come to all. Those who follow the energy of the insight track get the ideas to apply. Everyone’s getting ideas. Like TV offers tout, don’t wait, get on with it, and instead of calling now, pick up the horn when the call of the core summons. With the answering come answers. The once perceived edge that may have accompanied the alterations of action now make sense. That’s better. In fact, it might even be flowing again.