The Hump ~ 22 February 2006

The Hump does not refer to the popular song by the Black-Eyed Peas with all its wild implications and bottom line nuances. The hump refers to the odd mixture of Pluto to the Galactic Center energy attempting to blend its download with the current position of the new planet, 2003 UB313, and all its influence. The integrated result? The consciousness seed necessary to grow through changes magically appears. Yet, the behavior of many people boggles my mind in the present. I wonder why can’t they get over the hump? Why deny the magic?

The new planet, NOT named Xena or Lila or Leyla, currently retrogrades through just over 20 degrees of Aries. Add that to its node in Taurus and it’s closest contact to the Sun in Libra and a picture slowly develops from the latent imagery of the outer edge of our solar system. The orbital contacts (node and perihelion) signify making choices in life that support one’s spirituality in a complete and grounded totally transcended (meaning after the change) manner. Simply, life must support the aspirations of one’s spirit while participating in a lifetime involving a body and planet Earth. The message is: When you’ve done your work, learned your lessons, healed enabling co-dependent ways, abandoned the addictions to status and success and converted all experiences into wisdom, the Universe provides a completely abundant lifestyle, right? The essence further suggests that one benefits from choosing emotional substance and spiritual well being above the importance of “stuff.” The stuff you can’t take with you upon final escape from one’s body limits its validity to the duration of incarnation. Experiences absorbed by the spirit, we like to comfort ourselves by thinking, result in consciousness, which threads lifetime to lifetime with tidy continuity.

The UB313 conflicts rage. When experienced personally, this results in yo-yo-ing. In a moment of lucidity, perhaps while creatively bent over one of the real world’s latest fads - the Pilate ball, one makes choices that separate their being from painful, angst inducing, failing to fulfill one’s needs kinds of experiences. Then life encroaches. The something’s-better-than-nothing scenario kicks in and dominates. Consider how this looks in terms of relationship activity, no relationship is better than a substandard relationship and feeling alone while committed to supporting a partner exceeds no other brand of isolationism. Why pick those things when there are healthy choices to be made? For one, other choices require shifting belief systems outside the realm of known dimensions and valuing priorities not endorsed by many.

So how can one get over this hump?

The magic answer is: Pluto! We’re sort of familiar with the lord of the underworld and many have grown used to the confines of hell or hellish existence. Given his pointing toward the black hole at the center of our galaxy, a new set of rules comes about. Pluto says, “There is another way to do this, you know.” Pluto’s claim does not make a person wrong for being where they have been. However, when presented with new, more progressive methods, accepting the upgrade becomes the insightful thing to do.

One of my nieces is in a creative arts program at a Massachusetts university. She’s taken on the powers that be to continue darkroom classes for the photography program. They rejected her campaign and plan to terminate the darkroom program. Truly, the things done in a darkroom remain an art form. It’s not the same as just using Photoshop to rectify sloppy photographic eyes and lousy photographic methods. Like her, I’m a bit of a photo purist. Before you know it, though, major camera manufacturers will phase out film as we know it in favor of digital technology. While purists contend, digital will never equal analog in sound quality nor be a smooth as light captured on film, the new way takes us outside our box of comfort and is the wave of the future. What’s the point? If a photographer sets out to take stunning pictures, there’s more than one way to skin a sunset - and possibly a better way to capture the illusive green flash. Keep the larger objective in mind. You know: the alligators in a swamp thing.

We must all upgrade beliefs in accord with Pluto’s latest track and his freely granted heavenly insights. As stated before and as will be reconfirmed again, the Galactic Center, now visited by Pluto, refers to ignorance. Strictly speaking, ignorance comes from the act of ignoring insights available. So, if life in all its evident resistence to methods of perpetuating pain, offers a series of insights, solutions, choices and option-oriented realities to get beyond a situation that fails to make your spirit sing, ignore not. Get your bum over the hump riding the rising wave of illuminating insight. How easy is that? And just think, for the next two years pretty much, every day is hump day.

I have updated the New Planet, Sedna and Centaurs page on my website to include the keywords for the recently named centaurs Crantor and Amycus. As well, I posted my initial key words for 2003 UB313, the new planet. Keep checking in. This site evolves. While you’re roaming around the website, you might want to read the first full review of my short stories, Glimpses, posted in its entirety as written by the reviewer. Finally, new Stars and Stripes political articles have posted in preparation for this week’s event in San Diego. Jeez, more free stuff! What’s a body to do? Well, you could shop a bit. Like Galactic Center data, ignore no valid hyperlink into hyperspace.