If it Ain’t So... ~ 31 March 2006

The U.S. Army issued a ban on personal body armor procured from private sources for troops stationed in war zones. While the GI (government issue) body armor fails to show up, as promised, the government does not want soldiers to wear substandard armor. So nothing’s better than something? Let’s keep in mind that Mars now closes the gap on an opposition to Pluto while aligned with the Galactic Center, the exact rendering to occur on April 7th. Actually, there’s no better metaphor for the aspect than this one. Back when I served in the U.S. Navy in the 1970's I had a lengthy conversation with a Mormon shipmate about the sacred “garment” - the underwear common to that faith. Needless to say, the rest of us young, immature heathens used to make fun of his less than sexy inner garb. He told me that the church said they didn’t have to wear it if they took too much razzing. But he also said that it was supposed to protect you. I remarked that I wouldn’t give a dang what it looked like. If it protected me when artillery was exploding over head, I’d wear two of them. While I’m not in favor of war in any way, maybe the innovative push of the Galactic Center can lead someone to invent a body armor that will protect those who find themselves in harm’s way and in a way that the gov can afford to issue.

What’s the point? The push of Mars to Pluto to the Galactic Center will prod and poke at any declaration made during this interval. The pattern seeks consistency between cause and action, consciousness and belief, doctrine and application. The pattern is here to say, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Step one deals with recognition of absurdity and denial. A reader recently wrote about the cosmically oriented website that professes perfect insight and denies global warming as the icebergs fall apart on the poles of our planet. Ignorance is one of the key terms for the Galactic Center. Ignorance suggests the -ance (act) of ignoring the evident or keeping one’s head so far in the sands nothing can be seen. Recognition of hard core facts set the stage and overcomes the liability of seeking a view of inevidence.

Despite the provocative, evocative edge of the pattern at hand, no judgment is implied. The cosmic intent simply seeks solutions for convoluted, contradictory axioms to which people cling as truths. First, clarity and recognition must appear. Given that new discoveries of life millions of years old recently came to our attention, does that not suggest the Earth is older than the creation stories imply? Given there’s a black hole in the Galactic Center, shouldn’t we invoke all the paradoxical thinking intrinsic in such models? How about this: Nothing can get out of a black hole unless it’s in the state of nonexistence. That’s like consciousness. It cannot be explained, described or delivered in a convincing sermon unless that energy is infused in the proclaimer, which constitutes the nothing and everything of whom that person is in every given moment.

Consciousness and the truths that go with it, according to the implication of the Galactic Center, never intend to tell anyone how or what it is. Those kinds of claims fall subject to the subjective interpretation of the translator. Simply, a vehicle of offering insight comes about and others choose to use it or not to assist their lives or not. In no case is it right or wrong. Consider the airplane. When the Wright Brothers first flew, the Sun and Uranus aligned with the Galactic Center. There was no fast crowd at the ticket counter. Religious folk proclaimed the evils of flight and matter of factly declared if God had intended people should fly he would have given them wings. It just ain’t natural. Now most people fly. Still, it’s not wrong if a person chooses not to fly. It’s just going to take longer for them to get from point A to point B. I’ve not been in either of the communities, but evidently the Amish and Luddites are still flourishing. Every Thanksgiving I seek out an Amish raised turkey for consumption.

Watch this next week as battles of right and wrong clog the consciousness airwaves. In astrology you can get a Vedic reading, a western reading subject to a plethora of house systems or a heliocentric reading. Is one superior? Nope. But look at all the very cool right answers from alternate points of view you can use to describe your nature. The message of this Pluto to GC introduction era: Make it so. Make it true. So true you can live with the consciousness you claim creates the firmament of your world. How easy is that?