Fireworks ~ 4 July 2006

In the United States it’s the celebration of our nation’s independence. The tradition here is to create fabulous fireworks displays as affirmation of that event. There’s no point in trying to figure out how the style of celebration all fits together in any even half way logical sequence with the event it celebrates. Regardless, the Universe has been rendering some pretty amazing fireworks. Dramatic visual displays of planets and stars and even a good show involving the International Space Station entertain our earth-based eyeballs. On an energetic level, it’s been even more fantastic.

The rapid burster MXB 1730-33 began another series of outbursts on or about June 15th. This followed the previous outburst by 161 days, which followed the previous outburst by 142 days. While there’s no evident regularity, evidently this point in Sagittarius (24 Sag) believes we need our sensibilities showered with a potent blast of cosmic energy to shake up the box of clues. Yep, that’s in Pluto’s neighborhood at the moment. Does galactic energy stuff really work? Sure does. Since Pluto was the one who abducted and later coerced Persephone with the seeds of the pomegranate, doesn’t it seem beautifully and cosmically ironic that a recent study reports that men who drink pomegranate juice are less disposed to prostate difficulties and cancer? That study showed up online this week on the heels of the above and including the four evidently repeating gamma ray bursts from AXP 4U1042+61 (22 Taurus). There are more correlating news items, but with Saturn and Mars clamoring for perfect staging in Leo, most folks prefer a more personal notation.

Fair enough. The energy bursts come from points in space that stand in an alignment that forces adjustment. The adjustment becomes evident only when a course of action occurs. Those in the condition of inaction, indecision or standstill fail to see any need to shift anything. Those propelled by planetary pushes quickly realize the destination drifts along on its own track, too. To get there, course correction must result. The course correction receives definition from the nature of the energy showering us. Simply, take whatever situation you happen to be in at this moment (and of late) and create an awareness shift from it. Let life’s circumstances change your mind about: a. choices, b. the psychology that steers choices, c. how to shift consciousness with energy and produce different results in life, and d. that pomegranate juice is good for any gender (meant to include female, male, not certain and alien forms of unspecific gender origin).

Here’s a good starting point from the halls of astrological insights. Mercury goes retrograde today. Most astrologers caution against doing things (other than review and cleanup) during Mercury retrograde intervals. The wisdom behind this works, however, what if a larger, exceedingly potent transit occurs during a Mercury retrograde interval? Consider Scorpio persons getting the final direct hit of Jupiter aligned with one of their planets in the next three weeks. Should they defer that transit because of Mercury working retrograde. Not even. Go for it. There may be a game of logistical pick up sticks later, but so what? The ball got rolling when the big guy was in town. Those skeptical of astrology complain that communication companies don’t close during Mercury retrograde. It’s not valid or realistic to suggest they should. The point would be to attend to all critical details with great care and consciousness and to engage fully with all prevailing transits.

We call it Independence Day here in the land celebrating the 4th of July. Maybe independence from restrictive thought forms straightens out the kinks in the hose of consciousness. Perhaps some mind changing and energy shifting does the trick in this potent week in which we acknowledge some of the recently received galactic emanations. Mercury now reverses as Jupiter straightens. Those believing in divine logic certainly find the coolness in that. Right?