The Backlog of Brilliance ~ February 18, 2005

Today’s blog was difficult to start. The biggest problem was picking the right title. There could have easily been six, seven, maybe even eight appropriate titles. Actually, there’s an astrological rationale, too. Over the past several days, Mercury and the Sun passed over the enigmatic black hole, Cygnus X-3 (28 Aquarius 39), and slipped into something watery, like Pisces. Now, we have three bodies in Pisces (the above plus Uranus), and next week Venus crosses Cygnus X-3, dipping into Pisces on the 26th, then handing the baton of planetary dominance to Pisces.

One way of looking at this is that an energetic migration from the abstract to the creative/sensitive recently transpired. Or, it could be seen as the mental yielding to an emotional state as the prevailing filter of life. Genius maintains a rooted connection here. This black hole is one of the wildest, most leading edge, innovative, quirky placements in the Universe. If you don’t believe me, ask Christo and those walking through Central Park in New York. No, that’s not an endorsement. It’s simply an acknowledgment of this process. He originally pitched the idea for The Gates in the 1980's. That’s how it is with this point. Things are ahead of their time. The lack of collective response does not minimize brilliance or weirdness. Merely, it takes a while for people and consciousness to catch up.

All those new, wacky ideas might fly. The design, development and launch phases take time. The most brilliant ideas, once released, often start with cult-like following, slowly accreting energy and momentum leading to the mainstream. Keep faith in those ideas. The initial development cycle requires 4.8 hours of concentration to capture the insight. This would be nearly five hours free of people asking what you’re doing. Space may be required.

If you feel you’ve missed the wave, that’s not the case. Next week, Venus rolls in to add another crest of creativity. During the last few days of April, Mars crosses Cygnus X-3. There’s more to come. Consider this your heads up. Listen to the unusual ideas. Cultivate genius by remaining receptive to the waves of wisdom and wonder.

There’s one other big piece here. We’re coming off a “figure it out” mind set and entering a “feel your way” space. Suddenly, emotional reactions and sensitivities move center stage. Emotions ignored during creative development cycles, mentally jammed times or downright “I don’t want to deal with this” declarations yield to the backlog of feelings. Take a little time, like five hours a couple of times in the next week to catch up on all those reactions that tried to sneak in during life’s busy moments. While inconvenient, these feelings must have their due. During the era of the Piscean school of planetary fish, learn what you must, and learn by feeling.

The pattern suggests clearing emotional decks eliminates tripping hazards on the forecastle of your ocean liner of life. With the decks secured, you can enjoy the glide path of flying fish.

Here’s to everyone’s creative spirit, enriched the fullness of feeling!