Galactic Grab Bag ~ 29 Nov 2005

Take your pick. What more could you want this week? There’s something for everyone. Consider this an early holiday heads up alert. On the 3rd Mercury goes direct soon to be followed by Mars reversing tracks on the 9th. Simply, no longer will retrograde activity be an acceptable excuse for proclivities toward forgetfulness, lateness, chaos and inattention. To be fashionable the new holiday gay apparel needs to be the mirth and excitement of Mars opposing Jupiter on the 4th, just prior to Mars stabilizing his keel. Get on with it planning, recommitment to cause and attention applied to all aspirations fills the billet.

An added notation applies to warranty many try to squeeze out of Jupiter and Mars. While most see this, and rightfully so, as if I do the deed, I’ll get promising results, a couple of fine print clauses apply. Despite Jupiter’s involvement, these are not gift rendering Santa Clauses. Let’s recall that Mars in Taurus, now in progress, occupies an unprecedented eight months out of Mars’ two year orbit. It all began late July and people got the avarice bug in a larger than normal epidemic. To gain wealth effort must be applied to good principles. “Yeah, yeah,” everyone says, “Show me the money.” Mars, feeling more than mildly disrespected says, “Oh yeah, watch this! I’ll retrograde on your sorry self.” Bing, bang, at the beginning of October many smooth slides in progress took on the appearance of out of control skids. Good thing Mars now turns about and aligned with Jupiter to boot. Yeah, good thing, but Mars does inch backward while Jupiter barrels on down the track. It takes Mars until January 15th to get back to the same place as Jupiter. Take notes. Over optimism and instant gratification scenarios deflate overly estimated projections faster than an air-filled pinata succumbs to its fate at a hockey player’s convention.

The antidote? Wouldn’t it be cool to be psychic in the instant? What if unforseen circumstances could be seen at this moment? The Sun crosses the zodiacal residence of the all encompassing, all absorbing Great Attractor on December 5th, as it does every year (plus or minus a day). The Great Attractor is about the biggest deal in town astrophysically. They don’t know what it is, but they do know it bends light so much because of the intense gravity, it’s possible to see behind it. No longer must you second guess in the game of “which hand?” By the way, praise gravity. The more intense the “gravity” or heaviness of the situation, the clearer the perspective about that situation becomes. There’s a “stream” of insight on both sides of this thing extending out sixty megaparsecs in either direction. Huh? Suffice it to say, from here to eternity, and you can get there from here once you follow the stream or get in the flow. Really how can you not? If you don’t drive in the flow of traffic on an Interstate, you flatten out faster than the Universe (current models suggest the Universe is flat, where is Columbus when you need him?). The information is there. All that’s necessary is to perceive it without thought, bias, opinion, speculation or any level of predisposed consciousness. Be preconscious, that is, be without any taint from family of origin, life experiences or influences of a significant teacher. Be your own authority. Know what you must know by sensing the moment in its entirety. Yep, entirely entirety. Pretty much, as oxymoronic as it is, the Great Attractor possesses the entire radiation spectrum. To fail to respond to at least some of its spectrum is to pretty much not exist. Depending upon where you tune, that’s what you perceive. Sounds like life and the assortment of attitudes and awareness out there, eh?

The holiday package looks like a huge box with lots of other packages inside. It’s a grab bag of consciousness, awareness and sight setting. There’s a speculation looming that those who tune it up and refine their GPS (that would be Galactic Positioning System) not only have a long ways to go, they get to warp the space enroute saving precious time in the endeavor. Tune it up. Tweak onward with a full charge, excitement for what can be and grasp that look beyond the next horizon in every glance and every direction.

For those looking ahead, consider these two words: Holiday Shopping. The store is open and the introductory sale on the new, exciting, inspiring and many other superlatives, Twin Stars Relationship Report expires the day the Sun crosses the Great Attractor. You know what to do.


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